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    《辛德勒的名单》观后感[ 观后感 ]

    观后感 时间:2025-01-15 15:14:49 热度:65℃

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    Author Herbert Steinhouse, who interviewed Schindler in 1948, had this to say about Schindler's exploits, “Schindler



    Schindler (German businessman, spy, and member of the Nazi Party; prototype character for the movie Schindlers List) : generally refers to this entry


    Oskar Schindler (April 28, 1908 - October 9, 1974) was a German businessman, spy, and member of the Nazi Party

    奥斯卡·辛德勒(Oskar Schindler, 1908年4月28日- 1974年10月9日),德国商人、间谍、纳粹党成员

    He took advantage of certain mistakes in the organizational structure of the German war economy to protect the lives of some 1,200 Jews[2], and the famous film Schindlers List was made in his honor[3]. Oskar Schindler died on October 9, 1974[4], and every year after his death, many surviving Jews and their descendants come to pay tribute to him.


    Basic Information


    Chinese Name


    Oskar Schindler


    Date of death


    October 9, 1974[5]


    Foreign Name


    Oskar Schindler

    Oskar Schindler

    Place of birth


    Svetavi, Moravia






    1、Characters experiences


    Schindler, a German businessman, used the time of the German war to entice the Germans to invest and then hire cheap Jews to do the work, making a fortune in a time that made for a time of killing and smoke, while protecting the lives of thousands of Jews, about a quarter of all the surviving Jews in Poland. But after rethinking the meaning of human existence as more than just personal wealth, he began to use the money he made during the war to buy one Jew after another who would surely meet their doom in the concentration camps: Drosner, Wien, Rosner, Pfefferberg, Fischer, Shaffa, Wolank, Horowitz ...... In the end, the surviving Jews used one of their saved gold teeth, the only remaining wealth they owned after the war, to cast a ring for Schindler and inscribe on it a Hebrew verse from the Talmud:“Whoever saves one life,saves the world entire.

    辛德勒是一位德国商人,他利用德国战争的时机,诱使德国人投资,然后雇佣廉价的犹太人来做工,在那个充满杀戮和硝烟的年代赚了一大笔钱,同时保护了成千上万犹太人的生命,约占波兰所有幸存犹太人的四分之一。但在重新思考了人类存在的意义而不仅仅是个人财富之后,他开始用在战争期间赚到的钱收买一个又一个必将在集中营中遭遇厄运的犹太人: Drosner(卓斯纳), Wien(维恩), Rosner(罗斯纳), Pfefferberg(费佛堡), Fischer(费雪), Shaffa(夏法), Wolank(伍兰克), Horowitz(霍洛维兹) ...... 最后,幸存的犹太人用他们保存下来的一颗金牙--战后他们仅剩的财富--为辛德勒铸造了一枚戒指,并在上面刻上了《塔木德经》中的一段希伯来文:“救一条善良生命等于救全世界”。

    "Schindler choked up after listening to um, "Ive spent too much money ...... I could have ...... this car - Ten lives ...... this badge - two lives ......"

    "辛德勒听后哽咽着说:"我花了太多的钱 ...... 我本可以 ...... 这辆车--十条人命 ...... 这枚徽章--两条人命 ......"

    Oskar Schindler, a real-life character, became a symbol after Schindlers List, directed by Steven Spielberg, won seven Academy Awards. Against the somber backdrop of one of the most brutal wars of the 20th century, Schindlers image shines with humanity.

    由史蒂文-斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)执导的《辛德勒的名单》(Schindlers List)获得七项奥斯卡金像奖后,现实生活中的人物奥斯卡-辛德勒(Oskar Schindler)成为了一个象征。在 20 世纪最残酷战争之一的阴郁背景下,辛德勒的形象闪耀着人性的光辉。

    Schindler is often mentioned in the same breath as another German hero, Rabe. Rabe was known as the "Schindler of the East", and Schindler was the "Little Rabe". During the Japanese invasion of China for the Nanjing Massacre, Germany Siemens office manager in Nanjing, Rabe with his own then German National Socialist Workers Party (German Nazi Party) Nanjing branch of the special identity of the deputy minister, the establishment of the International Safety Zone, as the chairman of the Safety Zone Committee, to protect about 250,000 Chinese people. At the same time, he authored "Rabes Diary", which recorded the atrocities committed by the Japanese army in China. He is known as "The Living Buddha" by the Chinese.

    人们经常把辛德勒与另一位德国英雄拉贝相提并论。拉贝被称为 "东方辛德勒",而辛德勒则是 "小拉贝"。侵华日军南京大屠杀期间,德国西门子公司驻南京办事处经理拉贝以自己当时德国国家社会主义工人党(德国纳粹党)南京支部副部长的特殊身份,建立了国际安全区,担任安全区委员会主席,保护了约25万中国人民。同时,他撰写了《拉贝日记》,记录了日军在中国的暴行。他被中国人称为 "活菩萨"。

    early experience


    Oskar Schindler was born on April 28, 1908, in Svetavi, Moravia, Austria-Hungary, to a Sudeten German family, his father, Johann "Hans" Schindler, owner of a farm machinery business, and his mother, Franziska "Fanny" Schindler, whose mothers maiden name was Luser. Oscar also had a sister, Elfriede, born in 1915. After finishing elementary and junior high school, Schindler enrolled in a technical school, but was expelled in 1924 for falsifying grades. He completed his studies, however, but did not take the final exams to try to enter university. He came to Brno to learn trade skills such as mechanics and automobile driving, and worked for his own father for three years. As a teenager, Oscar loved motorcycles and bought a racing motorcycle which he raced in the mountains for several years.

    奥斯卡-辛德勒1908 年 4 月 28 日出生在奥匈帝国摩拉维亚的斯维塔维,父亲约翰-"汉斯"-辛德勒(Johann "Hans" Schindler)是一个苏台德德国家庭的成员,他是一家农机企业的老板,母亲弗朗齐斯卡-"范妮"-辛德勒(Franziska "Fanny" Schindler)的娘家姓是卢瑟(Luser)。奥斯卡还有一个妹妹,名叫埃尔弗里德(Elfriede),出生于 1915 年。小学和初中毕业后,辛德勒进入一所技术学校学习,但因成绩造假于 1924 年被开除。不过,他还是完成了学业,但没有参加毕业考试以争取进入大学。他来到布尔诺学习机械和汽车驾驶等技能,并为自己的父亲工作了三年。十几岁时,奥斯卡喜欢上了摩托车,他买了一辆赛车摩托车,并在山里参加了几年的赛车比赛。

    On March 6, 1928, Schindler married Emilie Pelzl, the daughter of a wealthy Sudetenland farming family. The two moved into Schindlers parents home and lived in an upstairs room for seven years. Shortly after their marriage, instead of working for her father, Schindler took several other jobs, including working at an electronic crafts factory in Moravia and managing a driving school. Schindler also entered the Czech Army for 18 months during this period and was promoted to Private First Class in the 10th Infantry Regiment of the 31st Army Group. After his discharge he returned to the electronic crafts factory, but soon thereafter bankrupted himself. His fathers agricultural machinery factory also closed down during this period, and Schindler was unemployed for a year; in 1931 he joined a bank in Prague, where he worked until 1938.

    1928 年 3 月 6 日,辛德勒与苏台德地区一个富裕农家的女儿埃米莉-佩尔兹尔(Emilie Pelzl)结婚。两人搬进了辛德勒父母的家,在楼上的房间里一住就是七年。婚后不久,辛德勒没有为父亲工作,而是做了几份其他工作,包括在摩拉维亚的一家电子工艺品厂工作和管理一所驾校。在此期间,辛德勒还进入捷克军队服役 18 个月,并在第 31 集团军第 10 步兵团晋升为一等兵。退伍后,他回到电子工艺品厂,但不久就破产了。在此期间,他父亲的农业机械厂也倒闭了,辛德勒失业了一年;1931 年,他加入布拉格的一家银行,一直工作到1938年。

    Schindler was arrested on several occasions in 1931 and 1932 for public drunkenness. During this period he also had an affair with Aurelie Schlegel, whom he met at school. The latter gave him a daughter, Emily, in 1933 and a son, Oskar Jr, in 1935. Schindler later claimed that the boy was not his son, and in 1935 Schindlers alcoholic father abandoned his wife, who had been bedridden for a long time and died a few months later.

    1931 年和 1932 年,辛德勒多次因公共场合酗酒被捕。在此期间,他还与在学校结识的奥雷利-施莱格尔(Aurelie Schlegel)发生了婚外情。后者于 1933 年为他生下了女儿艾米丽(Emily),1935 年又为他生下了儿子小奥斯卡(Oskar Jr)。1935 年,辛德勒酗酒的父亲抛弃了长期卧病在床的妻子,几个月后妻子去世。

    In 1935, Schindler, a citizen of Czechoslovakia, joined the separatist Sudeten German Party and was absorbed into Nazi Germanys Military Intelligence Service, Abwehr, as an agent in 1936. He was assigned to the bases 8th Commando of the 2nd Auxiliary in Wroclaw. When interrogated by the Czech police later he stated that he did it for money, that he was also drinking heavily at the time and was in debt. His assignments in Abbeville included gathering intelligence on railroads, military installations, troop movements, and recruiting other spies in Czechoslovakia to prepare for the planned invasion of that country by Nazi Germany.Schindler was arrested by the Czech government on July 18, 1938 for espionage and immediately sent to prison, but later released as a political prisoner under the Munich Agreement, and the Sudetenland was also The Sudetenland was annexed to Germany on October 7 under this agreement.On November 1, Schindler applied for membership in the Nazi Party, which was granted the following year.

    1935 年,身为捷克斯洛伐克公民的辛德勒加入了分裂主义的苏台德德国党,并于 1936 年被纳粹德国军事情报局吸收为特工。他被分配到位于弗罗茨瓦夫的第 2 辅助部队第 8 突击队。后来在接受捷克警方审问时,他说自己是为了钱才这么做的,当时他还喝了很多酒,欠了很多债。他在阿比维尔的任务包括收集有关铁路、军事设施、部队调动的情报,并在捷克斯洛伐克招募其他间谍,为纳粹德国计划入侵该国做准备。 1938 年 7 月 18 日,辛德勒因间谍罪被捷克政府逮捕,并立即被送进监狱,但后来根据《慕尼黑协定》作为政治犯获释,苏台德地区也根据该协定于 10 月 7 日并入德国。

    On November 1, Schindler applied for membership in the Nazi Party, which was granted the following year.


    After his release from prison and a period of recuperation, Schindler was promoted in his position at Abbeville, became deputy commander of his squad, and in January 1939 moved with his wife to Ostrava, located on the Czech-Polish border. He continued to spy during Hitlers takeover of Czechoslovakia. Emilie was also helping him with paperwork, taking care of Abbevilles classified documents and hiding them in their apartment. Schindler also made several trips to Poland under the guise of business, and he and 25 spies under his command were responsible for gathering information on Polish army movements and railroads for the upcoming Polish campaign. Some of this information on railroad lines and tunnels was crucial to the German operation, and on September 1, 1939, the Wehrmachts 14th Army captured a key transportation route and kept it intact as World War II in the European theater got into full swing. Schindler continued to work for Abwehr until the fall of 1940, when he was sent to Turkey to investigate corruption among Abwehr officers assigned to the German embassy in that country.

    出狱后,经过一段时间的休养,辛德勒在阿比维尔的职位得到提升,成为他所在小队的副队长,并于 1939 年 1 月与妻子搬到了位于捷克-波兰边境的俄斯特拉发。在希特勒攻占接管捷克斯洛伐克期间,他继续从事间谍活动。埃米莉还帮助他处理文书工作,保管阿贝维尔的机密文件,并把它们藏在他们的公寓里。辛德勒还以公务为名多次前往波兰,他和手下的25名间谍负责为即将到来的波兰战役收集波兰军队动向和铁路方面的情报。1939 年 9 月 1 日,德国国防军第 14 军夺取了一条关键的运输线,并在第二次世界大战在欧洲战场全面展开时保持了这条运输线的完整。辛德勒继续为德国国防军工作,直到 1940 年秋天,他被派往土耳其调查派驻该国德国大使馆的德国阿勃维尔官员的腐败问题。

    during World War Two




    In October 1939, Schindler arrived in Kraków on orders from Abbeville, where he bought an apartment the following month; Emilie still lived in the apartment in Ostrava, but would come over to Kraków at least once a week.In November 1939, Schindler had his new apartment decorated by the interior decorator Mira Fefferberg, whose son, Poldek Fefferberg, soon became Schindlers black-market trading middleman [14]. They also became lifelong friends afterward. This month Schindler also met Isaac Stern, an accountant for one of Schindlers colleagues in Abbeville, Josef "Sepp" Aue, who had taken over one of Sterns former factories run by Jews. When Germany invaded Poland, all Polish Jewish property, including belongings, houses, and factories, was confiscated, and Jews were stripped of their citizenship. Schindler showed Stern the balance sheet of an enamel factory and expressed his interest in acquiring the factory, called Rekord, where the controlling Jews had filed for bankruptcy earlier in the year. Stern advised him not to run the company directly, but to take it over as a trustee and to buy or lease the business, which would give him more freedom to act from the Nazis, such as hiring more Jewish workers. With the financial backing of several Jewish investors, Schindler signed an informal lease agreement for the factory on November 13, 1939, which was later formalized on January 15, 1940. Schindler renamed the factory "Deutsche Emaillewaren-Fabrik" (DEF), which soon became known by the nickname "Emilia". Emilia. His initial team of workers consisted of seven Jewish workers - including Abraham Bankier, who helped him manage the company - and 250 non-Jewish Poles. By its peak in 1944, the factory employed a total of about 1,750 workers, about 1,000 of whom were Jewish. Schindler also helped run Schlomo Wiener Ltd, a wholesale clothing business.

    1939 年 10 月,辛德勒奉阿比维尔的命令来到克拉科夫,并于次月在那里购买了一套公寓;埃米莉仍住在俄斯特拉发的公寓里,但每周至少会到克拉科夫一次。1939 年 11 月,辛德勒请室内装饰师米拉-费弗伯格(Mira Fefferberg)装饰了他的新公寓,米拉-费弗伯格的儿子波尔代克-费弗伯格(Poldek Fefferberg)很快成为了辛德勒的黑市交易中间人[14]。此后,他们还成为了终生好友。这个月,辛德勒还认识了艾萨克-斯特恩,他是辛德勒在阿比维尔的一位同事约瑟夫-"塞普"-奥厄(Josef "Sepp" Aue)的会计,奥厄接管了斯特恩以前经营的一家犹太人工厂。德国入侵波兰时,所有波兰犹太人的财产,包括财物、房屋和工厂都被没收,犹太人也被剥夺了国籍。辛德勒向斯特恩展示了一家搪瓷厂的资产负债表,并表示有兴趣收购这家名为雷科德(Rekord)的工厂。斯特恩建议他不要直接经营这家公司,而是以受托人的身份接管它,并购买或租赁这家企业,这样他就能有更多的自由,不受纳粹的影响,比如雇佣更多的犹太工人。在几位犹太投资者的资金支持下,辛德勒于 1939 年 11 月 13 日签署了一份非正式的工厂租赁协议,该协议随后于 1940 年 1 月 15 日正式生效。辛德勒将工厂更名为 "Deutsche Emaillewaren-Fabrik"(DEF),不久又被冠以 "Emilia "的昵称。艾米利亚 他最初的工人团队由 7 名犹太工人(包括帮助他管理公司的亚伯拉罕-班克尔)和 250 名非犹太波兰人组成。到 1944 年达到顶峰时,工厂共雇用了约 1750 名工人,其中约 1000 名是犹太人。辛德勒还帮助经营一家服装批发企业--施洛莫·韦纳(Schlomo Wiener )有限公司。

    Schindlers contacts in Abbeville and in the Wehrmacht and its subordinate armaments inspectorates allowed him to secure contracts to produce enameled cookware for the army. These same contacts later played an important role in his efforts to protect Jewish workers from deportation and execution. Over time, Schindler had to send larger bribes to Nazi officers and many more expensive gifts that could only be obtained through the black market to keep the workers safe. Bangier was a key contact for Schindler on the black market, and he purchased many items to store in the factory so that Schindler could pay bribes to the Nazis. Schindler himself enjoyed a life of luxury, developing extramarital affairs with his secretary Viktoria Klonowska and enamel merchant Eva Kisch Scheuer. His wife Emilie visited in 1940 and stayed for several months, and moved to Krakow to live with him in 1941.

    辛德勒在阿比维尔和德国国防军及其下属军备检查局的关系使他获得了为军队生产搪瓷炊具的合同。这些人脉后来也在他保护犹太工人免遭驱逐和处决的努力中发挥了重要作用。随着时间的推移,辛德勒不得不向纳粹官员行贿更多的钱财,并送上许多只能通过黑市才能买到的昂贵礼物,以保证工人们的安全。班吉尔是辛德勒在黑市上的重要联系人,他购买了许多物品存放在工厂里,以便辛德勒向纳粹行贿。辛德勒本人也享受着奢华的生活,他与秘书维克多莉亚-克洛诺夫斯卡(Viktoria Klonowska)和搪瓷商人伊娃-基希-舍尔(Eva Kisch Scheuer)发展婚外情。1940 年,他的妻子埃米莉(Emilie)来访并逗留了几个月,1941 年搬到克拉科夫与他同住。

    Schindler initially ran the factory primarily to make money, and employed Jews because since the Nazi occupation, these people were paid substantially less than Poles. He then began to provide protection for his workers regardless of the cost. As a munitions company that was important to the war effort, Schindler was able to protect his Jewish workers more easily. Whenever Schindlers Jews faced the threat of deportation, he would declare them exempt. Workers wives, children, and even cripples were claimed by him as necessary mechanical or metal workers. On one of these occasions the Gestapo came to his door and ordered Schindler to hand over a Jewish family with forged papers. "Three hours after they came in," Schindler said, "two drunken Gestapo men stumbled out of my office, and not only did they take no prisoners, but even the documents that they claimed were incriminating in the first place were gone."


    On August 1, 1940, Hans Franck issued a decree requiring all Jews in Krakow to leave the city within two weeks. Only those who worked in jobs directly related to the German war effort were allowed to stay. Between 60,000 and 80,000 people lived in the city at that time, and by March 1941 only 15,000 remained. These same Jews were next forced to leave the Kazimierz neighborhood where they lived and moved in unison to the Krakow Ghetto, which was established in the former industrial area. Schindlers employees walked from the ghetto to work at the factory every day, and over the next four years, Schindler expanded the factory, adding a kitchen, clinic, cafeteria, offices, and other facilities.

    1940 年 8 月 1 日,汉斯-弗兰克颁布法令,要求克拉科夫的所有犹太人在两周内离开这座城市。只有那些从事与德国战争直接相关工作的人才被允许留下。当时有 6 万到 8 万人居住在这座城市,到 1941 年 3 月只剩下 1.5 万人。接下来,这些犹太人被迫离开他们居住的卡齐米日社区,统一迁往在原工业区建立的克拉科夫犹太人区(隔都)。辛德勒的员工每天从犹太人区步行到工厂上班,在接下来的四年里,辛德勒扩大了工厂,增加了厨房、诊所、餐厅、办公室和其他设施。



    In the fall of 1941, the Nazis began to move the Jews living in the ghetto, most of whom were sent to be killed in the extermination camp at Belsizek.By March 13, 1943, the ghetto had been emptied, and those Jews who were still able to work were sent to the neo-Nazi concentration camp at Plazzo. Thousands of people deemed unfit for work were sent to extermination camps to be killed, and hundreds more were killed in the streets by Nazis who were emptying the ghetto. Schindler, because of his connections in the SS, was informed of the operation in advance and arranged for the workers to stay in the factory overnight to avoid any untoward incidents. He witnessed the clearing of the ghetto and was deeply shocked. According to Saul Urbach, a Schindler Jew, Schindler changed his opinion of the Nazis and resolved to save as many Jews as possible."

    1941 年秋天,纳粹开始迁移居住在犹太人区的犹太人,其中大部分人被送往贝尔西泽克灭绝营杀害。1943 年 3 月 13 日,犹太人区(隔都)已被清空,那些仍有工作能力的犹太人被送往位于普拉佐的新纳粹集中营。成千上万被认为不适合工作的人被送往灭绝营杀害,还有数百人被正在清空犹太人区的纳粹分子当街杀害。辛德勒因其在党卫军中的关系,提前获悉了这次行动,并安排工人在工厂过夜,以避免发生任何意外事件。他目睹了犹太人区的清场行动,并深感震惊。据辛德勒的犹太人索尔-乌尔巴赫说,辛德勒改变了对纳粹的看法,决心尽可能多地拯救犹太人"。

    The Krakow-Platzow concentration camp, which began operating in March 1943, was originally two Jewish cemeteries located about 2.5 kilometers from the German enamelware factory, and was under the command of SS Captain Amon Goth, a man who on several occasions randomly executed prisoners in the camp. The Jews here lived in daily fear of death. Emily Schindler called Gott "the meanest man I have ever seen".

    1943年3月开始运作的克拉科夫-普拉措集中营,最初是两个犹太人墓地,距离德国搪瓷厂约2.5公里,由党卫军上尉阿蒙·哥特(Amon Goth)指挥,他曾多次随机处决集中营里的囚犯。这里的犹太人每天都生活在对死亡的恐惧中。艾米丽·辛德勒称戈特是“我见过的最卑劣的人”。

    Götter initially planned to transfer all the factories, including Schindlers, to concentration camps. But Schindlers combination of flattery, bribery, and diplomacy not only prevented the transfer of the factories, but also persuaded Götter to allow him, at his own expense, to set up a sub-concentration camp within the factories, which, in addition to housing the Jews in the factories, would also house an additional 450 Jews from nearby factories. Not only would these people be safe from the threat of random execution, but they would also be provided with food and lodging and would even be able to perform religious services.


    Schindler was arrested twice on suspicion of being involved in black market transactions and once for violating the Nuremberg Act by kissing a Jewish girl. The first arrest was in late 1941, for which he spent the night in a detention center. His secretary was able to secure his release through Schindlers network of contacts in the Nazi Party.On April 29, 1942, Schindler was arrested for kissing a Jewish woman on the cheek at his own birthday party, which had taken place the day before at the factory, and this time he spent five days in jail. The third arrest occurred in October 1944, when he was accused of black market trading and of improving the condition of Jewish workers by paying bribes to Gott and others. This time he was jailed for nearly a week. Gott was arrested for bribery and abuse of power in September 1944, after Schindlers arrest was part of the campaign to investigate Gotts behavior. Gott was never convicted on these charges, but he was hanged on September 13, 1946 for war crimes.

    辛德勒曾两次因涉嫌参与黑市交易而被捕,还有一次因亲吻一名犹太女孩而违反了纽伦堡法案。第一次被捕是在 1941 年底,他为此在拘留中心过了一夜。1942 年 4 月 29 日,辛德勒因在自己的生日派对上亲吻一名犹太妇女的脸颊而被捕,这次他在狱中度过了五天。第三次被捕发生在 1944 年 10 月,他被指控进行黑市交易,并通过向戈特等人行贿来改善犹太工人的条件。这一次,他被关押了近一周。1944 年 9 月,戈特因受贿和滥用职权被捕,此前辛德勒的被捕是调查戈特行为运动的一部分。戈特从未因这些罪名被定罪,但他因战争罪于 1946 年 9 月 13 日被处以绞刑。

    In 1943, Zionist leaders in Budapest contacted Schindler through members of the Jewish Resistance Movement, who then traveled several times in person to Budapest to report on Nazi crimes against the Jews. He also brought back and passed on to the Jewish underground funds provided by the Jewish Agency for Israel.

    1943 年,布达佩斯的犹太复国主义领导人通过犹太抵抗运动成员与辛德勒取得联系,辛德勒随后多次亲自前往布达佩斯,报告纳粹对犹太人犯下的罪行。他还带回并转交给犹太地下组织由以色列犹太机构提供的资金。

    Brien Leeds.


    In July 1944, due to the approaching Soviet Red Army, the Pro-Gesellschaft began closing the easternmost camps and transferring the remaining prisoners westward to Auschwitz and Gross-Rosen camps. Gotts private secretary, Metke Pompa, gave Schindler advance warning of the Nazi plan to close all factories not directly related to the needs of the war, including the Schindler factory, and suggested that the product be changed from enamelware to anti-tank grenades to save the lives of Jewish workers. Through bribery and persuasion, Schindler eventually got Gott and officials in faraway Berlin to agree with him to move the factory and its workers to a small rural village in the Sudetenland called Brünnlitz (pronounced "Brünnlitz"), thus sparing the workers from being sent to the gas chambers to be executed. Pompa compiled and printed a list of 1,200 Jews who were to be transferred to the Sudetenland, 1,000 of them Schindlers workers and another 200 of Julius Madrichs textile products factory workers, after compiling the names provided by the ghetto police officer, Sergeant Marcel Goldberg. These Jews were sent in October 1944 to Brienlitz.

    1944 年 7 月,由于苏联红军的逼近,亲纳粹组织开始关闭最东部的集中营,并将剩余的囚犯向西转移到奥斯威辛集中营和格罗斯-罗森集中营。戈特的私人秘书梅特克-庞帕提前警告辛德勒,纳粹计划关闭所有与战争需求无直接关系的工厂,包括辛德勒工厂,并建议将产品从搪瓷器皿改为反坦克手榴弹,以挽救犹太工人的生命。通过贿赂和劝说,辛德勒最终让戈特和远在柏林的官员同意他将工厂及其工人迁往苏台德地区一个名叫布伦利兹(读作 "Brünnlitz")的小村庄,从而使工人们免于被送往毒气室处死。庞帕在汇总了犹太区警官马塞尔-戈德堡(Marcel Goldberg)中士提供的名单后,编印了一份将被转移到苏台德地区的 1200 名犹太人名单,其中 1000 名是辛德勒的工人,另外 200 名是朱利叶斯-马德里奇(Julius Madrich)纺织品工厂的工人。这些犹太人于 1944 年 10 月被送往布里恩利茨。

    On October 15, 1944, a train with 700 people on the Schindler list was initially sent to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp, where it remained for a week before being re-delivered to the factory in Brienlitz. Another 300 female "Schindler Jews" were initially sent to Auschwitz and could have been sent to the gas chambers at any time. Schindlers contacts and bribes did not work this time, and he finally sent his secretary, Hilde Albrecht, to Auschwitz with black-market goods, food and diamonds, and the women workers were sent to Brienlicher after a few weeks of fear.

    1944 年 10 月 15 日,一列载有 700 名辛德勒名单上的人的火车最初被送往格罗斯-罗森集中营,在那里停留了一个星期后被重新送往布里恩利茨的工厂。另外 300 名女性 "辛德勒犹太人 "最初被送往奥斯威辛集中营,她们随时可能被送往毒气室。辛德勒的联络和贿赂这次没有奏效,他最终派秘书希尔德-阿尔布雷希特带着黑市商品、食品和钻石前往奥斯威辛,女工们在恐惧中度过几周后被送往布里恩利茨。

    In addition to the workers, Schindler shipped 250 wagonloads of machinery and raw materials to the new factory, but very few usable shells were produced in the factory. Whenever an armaments officer questioned why the factorys output was so low, Schindler bought finished products from the black market to fill up and sell to the army. The rations provided by the SS were insufficient to meet the needs of the workers, so Schindler would spend most of his time in Krakow obtaining food, munitions, and other materials. His wife, Emilie, stayed in Brienliz and covertly tried to obtain more rations and look after the health and other basic needs of the workers. Schindler also arranged for the transfer of up to 3,000 Jewish women from Auschwitz to small textile factories in the Sudetenland, hoping to increase their hopes of survival.

    除了工人,辛德勒还向新工厂运送了 250 车皮的机器和原材料,但工厂生产的可用炮弹却寥寥无几。每当军备官员质疑工厂产量为何如此低时,辛德勒就会从黑市上购买成品,装满后再卖给军队。党卫军提供的口粮不足以满足工人的需要,因此辛德勒大部分时间都在克拉科夫获取食物、弹药和其他材料。他的妻子埃米莉(Emilie)则留在布里恩利兹,暗中设法获得更多的口粮,并照顾工人的健康和其他基本需求。辛德勒还安排将多达3000名犹太妇女从奥斯威辛转移到苏台德地区的小型纺织厂,希望能增加她们的生存希望。

    In January 1945, a train arrived in Brienliz with 250 Jews who had been sent to a mine in Poland, but had arrived here after being refused admission. Upon arrival, the carriages were frozen shut. An engineer at the factory later opened the doors with a soldering iron, and 12 of the people in the car were dead, while the others were too sick to work. Emilie took the survivors to the factory and cared for them in a makeshift hospital until the end of the war. As the Soviet Red Army approached, Schindler continued to pay bribes to officers to avoid having his workers killed by his own guards, and on May 7, 1945, he and his workers gathered inside the factory to listen to the announcement of Germanys surrender on the radio by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

    1945年1月,一列火车载着250名犹太人抵达布里恩利兹,他们被送往波兰的一个矿场,但在被拒绝入境后才抵达这里。火车一到,车厢就被冻住了。后来,工厂的一名工程师用电烙铁打开了车门,车内12人死亡,其他人病得太重,无法工作。艾米丽把幸存者带到工厂,并在临时医院照顾他们,直到战争结束。随着苏联红军的逼近,辛德勒继续向军官行贿,以避免他的工人被自己的卫兵杀害。1945年5月7日,他和工人们聚集在工厂内,聆听英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)通过广播宣布德国投降。

    post-war experience


    Because of his membership in the Nazi Party and Abwehr, Schindler was in danger of being arrested and executed as a war criminal. Bengel, Stern, and a number of others prepared a statement for Schindler to present to the Americans confirming that he had saved a number of Jewish lives. Simon Jeret also pulled out his gold tooth and used the gold from it to create a ring for Schindler, inscribed with the words:


    Whoever saves one life saves the world entire


    To escape capture by the Soviets, Schindler and Emilie fled westward in their two-seat Horch limousine, initially with a few German soldiers who fled with them sitting on either side of the car, and followed by a truck with Schindlers mistress Marta, a few Jewish workers, and a few black market goods. When they arrived in Budějovice, Czechoslovakia, the Horch sedan was confiscated by Soviet Red Army soldiers who had already occupied the area. Neither was one of Schindlers diamonds, initially hidden under the seat, retrieved. They continued on by train and on foot until they reached the American occupation zone, and then traveled to Passau, where an American Jewish officer arranged for them to travel by train to Switzerland, where the Schindlers moved to Bavaria in the fall of 1945.

    为了躲避苏联人的追捕,辛德勒和埃米莉乘坐他们的双座豪华霍希轿车向西逃亡,起初有几名随他们一起逃亡的德国士兵坐在车的两侧,后面跟着一辆卡车,车上有辛德勒的情妇玛尔塔、几名犹太工人和一些黑市货物。当他们抵达捷克斯洛伐克的布杰约维采(Budějovice)时,霍希轿车被已经占领该地区的苏联红军士兵没收。最初藏在座位下的辛德勒的一颗钻石也没有找到。他们继续乘火车和步行,直到到达美国占领区,然后前往帕绍,在那里,一名美国犹太军官安排他们乘火车前往瑞士,1945 年秋天,辛德勒夫妇搬到了巴伐利亚。

    By the end of the war, all of Schindlers savings had been depleted in bribes and in buying provisions for his workers on the black market. Nearly penniless, Schindler moved briefly to Regensburg before arriving in Munich, but was never able to make a fortune in postwar Germany. In fact, he had already had to accept assistance from Jewish organizations to make ends meet.In 1948, he received $15,000 after submitting a request to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee for reimbursement of his wartime expenses. He had estimated his wartime expenses at more than $1,056,000, including camp construction, bribes, and expenditures on black market goods, including food. Schindler emigrated to Argentina in 1949, where he tried his hand at raising chickens and beaver rats, the latter of which had some economic value for their pelts. But by 1958 it was bankrupt. He then left his wife and returned to Germany, where he tried unsuccessfully to run a number of businesses, including a cement factory, and in 1963 he again declared bankruptcy and was hospitalized for a month the following year after suffering a heart attack. Schindler kept in touch with many of the Jews he had met during the war, and financial support from "Schindler Jews" around the world allowed him to continue to live, and on October 9, 1974, Oskar Schindler died at the age of 67, and his body was buried in Jerusalem. His body was buried on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, the only former member of the Nazi Party to be buried there, and in 1963 Israel honored Schindler with the title of International Righteous Man for saving Jews from the Holocaust during World War II, and in 1966 the German government awarded him the Federal Cross.

    战争结束时,辛德勒的所有积蓄都被贿赂和在黑市上为工人购买补给品耗尽。几乎身无分文的辛德勒在抵达慕尼黑之前曾短暂搬到雷根斯堡,但始终未能在战后的德国发家致富。1948 年,他向美国犹太人联合分配委员会提出报销战时费用的申请后,收到了 15000 美元。据他估计,他的战时开支超过 1 056 000 美元,其中包括营地建设、贿赂和黑市商品(包括食品)的开支。1949 年,辛德勒移居阿根廷,在那里他尝试养鸡和海狸鼠,后者的皮毛具有一定的经济价值。但到 1958 年就破产了。1963 年,他再次宣布破产,次年因心脏病发作住院一个月。1974 年 10 月 9 日,奥斯卡-辛德勒去世,享年 67 岁,遗体安葬在耶路撒冷。他的遗体被安葬在耶路撒冷的锡安山上,是唯一被埋葬的前纳粹党成员。1963年,以色列授予辛德勒 "国际义人 "称号,表彰他在二战期间拯救犹太人免遭大屠杀;1966年,德国政府授予他联邦十字勋章。

    Author Herbert Steinhouse, who interviewed Schindler in 1948, had this to say about Schindlers exploits, "Schindlers remarkable deeds stemmed only from basic manners and humanity, except that we rarely grow up believing in them in good faith anymore. He was an opportunist who saw the light and repented, and has since turned his back on the sadists and vile criminals around him." In a 1983 television documentary, the program quoted Schindler as saying, "I feel that the Jewish people are being destroyed. I have no choice about it, I have to help them."

    作家赫伯特-斯坦豪斯曾在1948年采访过辛德勒,他对辛德勒的事迹有这样的评价:"辛德勒的杰出事迹只是源于基本的礼仪和人性,只是我们在成长过程中很少再真诚地相信这些。他是一个见义勇为、悔过自新的机会主义者,他看到了光明并忏悔!从那时起,他就背弃了身边的虐待狂和卑鄙的罪犯"。在 1983 年的一部电视纪录片中,该节目引用辛德勒的话说:"我感到犹太民族正在被毁灭。我别无选择,我必须帮助他们。



